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FOTO // Armata Rusiei antrenează câini să sară cu parașuta; Imagini de la un exercițiu militar

Rusia face testele finale ale unui sistem de parașută comun pentru oameni și câini, astfel încât aceștia să poată fi trimiși împreună în zone greu accesibile.

Testele cu noul sistem de parașută au fost efectuate la începutul lunii iulie.

Noul echipament a fost proiectat de fabrica de parașute Ivanovo, pe care președintele rus Vladimir Putin a vizitat-o în martie 2020.

Sistemul este conceput pentru a parașuta un câine de la o altitudine de până la 4.000 de metri împreună cu un parașutist sau în tandem cu un parașutist și un dresor, potrivit Digi24.

Andrei Toporkov, un specialist în testarea de parașute care a participat la exercițiul cu câini de serviciu, a spus că toate animalele au rezistat bine la saltul din aer.

„Câinii s-au antrenat pentru zbor și rezistă bine. În timp ce se află la bordul unei aeronave, se uită prin hublou și examinează solul și norii. Trec ușor prin momentul ieșirii din avion și nu au probleme cu căderea liberă. Se întorc spre stânga și spre dreapta, urmăresc pământul și încep să facă mișcări rapide cu labele în încercarea de a ateriza”, a spus el.

Noul sistem de parașute ar urma să fie livrat Ministerului Apărării începând de anul viitor.

ProfimediaRussia carries final tests of a joint parachute system for humans and dogs, allowing them to airdrop in remote areas; the system was designed by Ivanovo Parachute factory, the tests were carried early in July 2021,Image: 620086605, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaRussian president Vladimir Putin pictured on a visit to Ivanovo Parachute Factory in March 2020,Image: 620086688, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaRussia carries final tests of a joint parachute system for humans and dogs, allowing them to airdrop in remote areas; the system was designed by Ivanovo Parachute factory, the tests were carried early in July 2021,Image: 620086644, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaRussia carries final tests of a joint parachute system for humans and dogs, allowing them to airdrop in remote areas; the system was designed by Ivanovo Parachute factory, the tests were carried early in July 2021,Image: 620086658, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaRussia carries final tests of a joint parachute system for humans and dogs, allowing them to airdrop in remote areas; the system was designed by Ivanovo Parachute factory, the tests were carried early in July 2021,Image: 620086680, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaRussia carries final tests of a joint parachute system for humans and dogs, allowing them to airdrop in remote areas; the system was designed by Ivanovo Parachute factory, the tests were carried early in July 2021,Image: 620086618, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
ProfimediaRussia carries final tests of a joint parachute system for humans and dogs, allowing them to airdrop in remote areas; the system was designed by Ivanovo Parachute factory, the tests were carried early in July 2021,Image: 620086632, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: *** HANDOUT image or SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGE or FILMSTILL for EDITORIAL USE ONLY! * Please note: Fees charged by Profimedia are for the Profimedia's services only, and do not, nor are they intended to, convey to the user any ownership of Copyright or License in the material. Profimedia does not claim any ownership including but not limited to Copyright or License in the attached material. By publishing this material you (the user) expressly agree to indemnify and to hold Profimedia and its directors, shareholders and employees harmless from any loss, claims, damages, demands, expenses (including legal fees), or any causes of action or allegation against Profimedia arising out of or connected in any way with publication of the material. Profimedia does not claim any copyright or license in the attached materials. Any downloading fees charged by Profimedia are for Profimedia's services only. * Handling Fee Only ***, Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia

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