(foto, video) Fenomenul neobişnuit produs ca urmare a uraganului Ophelia

Mont Saint-Michel Skyline Turned Red By Hurricane Ophelia

Un cer „neobişnuit” de roşiatic şi un soare roşu au fost observate în anumite părţi ale Angliei, Olanda, dar şi Franţa, notează BBC. Cerul din mai multe zone ale acestor ţări s-a colorat la apus în nuanţe de roşu şi galben-ocru.

Fenomenul a fost remarcat în sud-vestul, în nord-estul şi în nord-vestul Marii Britanii, dar şi în Franţa sau Olanda şi s-a produs ca urmare a uraganului Ophelia care aduce aer tropical şi praf din Sahara.

De asemenea, şi praful provenit de la incendiile de pădure din Portugalia şi Spain a contribuit la culoarea de pe cerul Angliei.

A picture taken on October 16, 2017, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, shows the sky and sub after it turned a yellow-ochre colour due to sand from the Sahara desert and dust from wildfires in Portugal being carried by wind from the Storm Ophelia. Photo by Robin Utrecht/ABACAPRESS.COM
A picture taken on October 16, 2017, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, shows the sky and sub after it turned a yellow-ochre colour due to sand from the Sahara desert and dust from wildfires in Portugal being carried by wind from the Storm Ophelia. Photo by Robin Utrecht/ABACAPRESS.COM
A picture taken on October 16, 2017, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, shows the sky and sub after it turned a yellow-ochre colour due to sand from the Sahara desert and dust from wildfires in Portugal being carried by wind from the Storm Ophelia. Photo by Robin Utrecht/ABACAPRESS.COM
A picture taken on October 16, 2017, in Rotterdam, Netherlands, shows the sky and sub after it turned a yellow-ochre colour due to sand from the Sahara desert and dust from wildfires in Portugal being carried by wind from the Storm Ophelia. Photo by Robin Utrecht/ABACAPRESS.COM
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