"Voi începe în curând o nouă zi reprezentând Republica Moldova în toate competiţiile internaţionale şi, sper, la Olimpiada de la Rio şi după aceea, dacă mă voi califica", a precizat sportivul în vârstă de 24 ani, originar din Dorset (sudul Angliei), într-un comunicat.

"Chiar dacă sunt supărat şi dezamăgit că nu voi mai reprezenta ţara în care m-am născut la alt campionat major, am simţit că nu am altă opţiune", a explicat Cook, care nu a intrat în calculele antrenorilor lotului britanic pentru JO 2012 de la Londra.

Sportivul, care a apărat culorile britanice la Olimpiada din 2008, de la Beijing, consideră că a fost ignorat la Olimpiada londoneză pentru că a decis să părăsească programul britanic în 2011, lucru pe care Federaţia de taekwondo din Marea Britanie l-a negat întotdeauna.

Aaron Cook nu a mai concurat pentru echipa Marii Britanii din mai 2012, iar conform Cartei olimpice un sportiv îşi poate schimba naţionalitatea dacă au trecut trei ani de când nu şi-a mai reprezentat ţara de origine. Ceea ce înseamnă că britanicul ar putea fi eligibil să concureze pentru o altă ţară la ediţia inaugurală a Jocurilor Europene de la Baku, programată anul acesta, în luna iunie.

Dacă va concura pentru Republica Moldova la competiţia de la Baku, Cook nu va mai putea să revină sub culorile Marii Britanii pentru JO 2016, adaugă BBC.

Comitetul Olimpic Britanic (BOA), care nu doreşte să piardă un potenţial medaliat olimpic, investighează acum dacă Cook a concurat începând din 2013 sub culorile Insulei Man, o dependenţă a coroanei britanice, pentru a încercarea să blocheze trecerea sa sub culorile moldoveneşti.

„After the rumors circulating I feel it is now the right time to state my position. I would like to announce that after receiving my Passport from Mr. Iulian Fruntaşu (the Republic of Moldova Ambassador to the UK) and Mr Igor Yuzefovic (President Republic of Moldova Taekwondo Federation) that I will soon begin a new journey representing the Republic of Moldova (MDA) at all International competitions and hopefully the Rio Olympic games and beyond, should I qualify.
I would like to thank the Isle of Man Taekwondo Association and in particular it's President Mr Richard Halsall for his tireless efforts in supporting me and the rest of Team Cook, during my time representing the Isle of Man. I would also like to thank anyone and everyone that has supported me in my quest and dream to be competing at the Olympic Games and ultimately becoming Olympic Champion. It has been an amazing couple of years full of memories, and I would of loved to continue competing under the Isle of Man banner, Unfortunately that was never going to be possible as it was made clear to me in May of last year, after winning the European Championships for the 3rd Consecutive time that it would not be possible for me to be selected for Team GB, regardless of my World Ranking or Performance's. Having received no funding or support from the GB System and financing myself since June 2011, this was not a situation that was acceptable to me and I did not want to put myself, family, friends, supporters or sport through the same situation we were forced to endure at the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Although I am upset and disappointed I will not represent my country of birth at another major championships, I felt I had no other option. I am a fighter at heart and I am not going to throw away 20 years of dedication because of bureaucracy. This gave me no choice but to look for an opportunity to represent another country. I am extremely happy and honored to announce that the Republic of Moldova have faith in me and presented me with that opportunity. I would like to thank everyone involved in the process of making this happen and hope that all that hard work is rewarded with me being cleared to compete for MDA at the forthcoming European Olympic Games in Azerbaijan and the Rio Olympic Games in 2016, should I qualify! I hope you will all continue to support me on my Olympic journey and once again thank you all for your support. Aaron #MyDestinyAwaits #teamcook #teamMDA #tkdgeek”